I'm so glad I found this site. I've been training for around 9 months and am due to be promoted to Blue Belt in October.
Having watched the Blue Belt Requirements footage I realize I could not complete those requirements. It's a little frustrating as I want to feel like I've earned my Blue Belt rather than getting one for just showing up. Time to study and drill hard. I know it's up to me. Anyone else in that position?
White Belt soon to be promoted to Blue?? Maybe not
Hey, I'm a four stripe white belt and been training on and off for three years due to heavy work commitments. I've trained at various different clubs and what I've noticed that each instructor will have his or her own preferences as to when he or she sees fit to promote a student. The criteria for each instructor varies and the quality they look for in a blue or purple belt is also different from club to club. some are more competitive and competition focussed and some put more emphasis on your individual progress.
I suggest that you trust your instructor as they know how much progress you've made and they know when you're ready for your next belt. I'm at the cusp of getting my blue also and I don't feel ready at all. But I enjoy my rolls and allow the stripes and belts to come and and go as they happen.
Hi Medi, thanks for taking the time to reply.
Firstly, in no way do I want what I've previously written to seem disrespectful to my instructor.
My frustration is actually with myself not my instructor. I really need to study my Jiu Jitsu outside of class more. Thankfully I found this site.
I've noticed that studying in your own time can really help your skill set. The blue belt requirements footage really speaks to my way of learning. It's systematic and it's great for me to have a yard stick to measure myself against.
Thanks again.